COVID-19 Updates, Response & Relief
MESH and partner Masonic organizations are closely monitoring the progress of the Corona Virus and the related economic and social impact. Of course, reliable official outlets will always be the best source for news. We recommend following the Centers for Disease Control for the latest on the progress of the virus and how best to stay safe and healthy. The Grand Lodge of DC is also closely monitoring and recommending information to the wider Masonic community.
Our residents in MESH Care are all being directly monitored and their facilities are not accepting visitors. MESH staff are in constant contact with each, and there are no incidents related to the virus. However, calling and “distant visiting” with them is greatly appreciated.
MESH and partner Masonic organizations have joined forces to create a special COVID19 relief fund, with an expedited approval process. This is for relief needs directly related to the hardships related to the virus and its economic impact. This could be for COVID-related medical expenses, wage loss due to COVID precautions or social distancing, and related issues. Please complete the form linked below to request relief, and you will be contacted very shortly for a brief screening process and follow up on your situation. Every effort is being made to address requests swiftly, and they will be considered on a case by case basis.
There is also a task force assembled by the Grand Lodge to recruit volunteers to assist those who need help acquiring hard-to-get items or may need assistance picking up groceries and supplies. Please visit the Grand Lodge of DC’s website or contact MESH staff for more information if you would like to help, or need some direct assistance.
If there is an urgent or life threatening emergency please call 911.
Contacting Staff
The MESH office is closed, please do not come in person to submit a request. For non-COVID relief requests please contact your Chapter or Lodge MESH Representative.